Welcome! We will start here.

We know, this is not related at all. This looks good though, doesn’t it?

We know, this is not related at all. This looks good though, doesn’t it?


As you are here now, welcome. It’s always good to know that what we do is actually something people care about, and here you are, caring about us. You know, this ride was surely a bumpy one so far, and oh boy it’s far from over. By this website going live and our main money makers going live, we mark an important step in our journey. The beginning.

Posh paragraphs aside, we just wanted to say “Thank you”. Thank you for reading this right now, thank you for joining us in this journey, thank you for believing in us. Without the support from people like you, we would’ve abandoned this project way back in the summer. Andy would move on to have whatever position in Starbucks and Victor would keep on grinding to get his degree he gives absolutely 0 cares about. Support from you guys, gives us that second wind that pushes this company to be a self-sustained business and one day a workplace for us and many more people. Stay in touch, we will let you know when we become millionaires.